How to compare listings on your desktop


Click the compare button on any listing to add it to the compare slider. You can compare condos for sale, sold, for rent and rented.


When you have more than 2 listings, click the compare button on the open slider, a new page will open showing a comparison chart with all listing info and more.


You can compare up to 8 listings at a time, share the page with someone else or save all listings to your favourites to compare again.

How to compare listings on your phone


Tap the favourite star on any listing to add it to your favourites - you will need a minimum of 2 and max of 8 to compare.


Go to the my favourites tab and tap on on the 'select listings' text and you'll see a white dot on the left side of each listing. Tap the listings you want to compare.


The compare button along the bottom will appear, tap it to be taken to the compare page. From there you can scroll across to look at your listing & share this comparison.

Find listings to compare

Keep track of your favourite listings
